Careers Advisors are qualified specialist teachers who provide information, guidance and advice to students to enable them to explore their career options and understand their educational requirements.
The Careers Advisor not only works with the students but also with parents, teachers, employers, community agencies and training providers to provide the best assistance for our students and ensure all students are equipped to leave school being ready for either work or tertiary study. They are available to help students create resumes, search and apply for jobs or further study options.
Investigating careers
My Future is Australia's career information service.
Defence Force Recruiting is the site for recruitment into the Australian Defence Forces for the Navy, Army and Air Force.
NSW Police Service On-Line has detailed information about recruitment including the Diploma in Policing, scholarships, entry requirements, accommodation, fees etc.
ACTU Worksite for Schools provides work-related resources for use in projects.
Getting a job
Australian Job Search is a national job search site developed by the Federal Government.
Group Training Australia - 120 Group Training Companies who employ apprentices and trainees and then place them with other host employers.
SEEK for job seekers and employers. Contains job ads, facility for creating and posting resumes, vocational interest activities and profiles of employers.
SEEK Volunteer Volunteer is a non-profit initiative designed to bring volunteers and the organisations seeking them together.
Create your resume, Find your next job and Manage your career at CareerOne
Find jobs and job vacancies from all career sites in Australia at Jobted
Year 12 support
NSW Education Standards Authority NESA course information for all HSC subjects, past examination papers, markers comments and help for students.
TAFE NSW provides over 1200 courses in a wide range of careers areas.
HSC TAFE Credit Transfer allows you to calculate what credit you will receive towards TAFE courses from subjects studied at school.
University Admissions Centre receives and processes applications for admission to most degrees and diploma courses at NSW and ACT universities.
Year 12 UAC information - select the link How to apply for a UAC for important information and key dates regarding UAC applications and your ATAR. See Ms Theodoris for more information
Studies in Australia - for international students wanting to study in Australia
University scholarships
Australian National University