19 Nov 2020

The class of Year 8 2020 have experienced a year like no other!
They began the year as eager students; a little taller, a little more confident and with a smile from ear to ear, knowing they were stepping up a rank in the ladder of school life.
They continued Term 1 with gusto, working well in their new class groups and experiencing the delights of the curriculum. It was then that students had to exercise resilience and be self-motivated, launching into the 'working from home' period due to COVID-19.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all students, their parents and carers for all their hard work and adaptability during this time. It was a delight to see students appreciate friendships and connections with peers that were obvious once returning to school.
Over the year, I visited many Design and Technology classes and witnessed students' appreciation of and skill development in Multimedia Technology, Food Technology and Timber. Students became familiar with the delights of the French language and continued to excel in the likes of Science, English, Mathematics and PD/H/PE.
Some of the most impressive artwork and musical pieces have been created this year by Year 8 students, as you will see in the photographs - I have no doubt there are a few budding artists among us! In saying this, I have also enjoyed witnessing the talent of our Year 8 'basketball boys' and the friendly, lunch time Year 8 touch football games- boys and girls included!
I would like to thank Year 8 for their positive contribution to the community of Kingsgrove High School in 2020. It has been a joy watching you grow and share in your achievements this year. I look forward to seeing you thrive and excel in Year 9.
Mrs Hillier- Year Adviser.